Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ear Infection

Yes my kids have had them but not many times only once has one of them been on antibiotics specifically for an ear infection. I've healed or prevented most of them naturally. The very best advice I have for ear infections is prevention. Start treating the ears with care at the on set of stuffy noses or even runny ones. When the cold symptoms include a runny nose just massage the area behind the ears. The channel that begins in the indent where your jaw and skull meet -you can feel that line that starts there and ends down your neck. Basically right where my finger is and continue down from there. It's tender if you have some sinus stuff going on and will be tender if your child has a cold especially with a stuffy nose. Massage this area many times a day if your child has a stuffy nose and at bedtime if your child has only a runny one, of course more massage is great as much as you like, can't hurt. Add the areas below the eyes on the upper checks starting at the nose-the sinuses This is where your Eustachian tubes are, that should help it to drain properly but can get congested when you are sick. I use tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil or both or a natural chest rub for baby if the pure stuff is too strong. If your child is the type to rub it off or potentially rub it into their eyes just use some unscented baby massage oil. These massages help the child to naturally drain the excess mucous they are producing so the tubes and ears don't become tender or infected. I have my own otoscope (ear scope) to check the color of the ear canal and eardrums of my kids, but you really have to study what an infected ear looks like to know if they actually have fluid. It's not so easy to identify yourself I learned by google images and online medical websites but the best education came from the Doctors' office when I would just ask to see my child's ear canals through the otoscope with the Dr. explaining to me healthy ear/infected ear/ irritated ear.
 Most ears will look pink when your child is sick. Pink is not alarming just massage and add some Garlic Mullen drops in their ears to help ward off infection. I also have a ear monitor for fluid that I highly recommend It's actually what you should have before the otoscope because it takes the guessing out of it and tells you if your child has fluid in the ear with a digital display.
Another important step to avoid the full blown infection is to get a natural saline solution- even CVS has these and administer this liquid through the child's nose many times a  day. This also helps ward off infection and the stage where they might get stuffy and clogged up. Once your child is old enough, warm salt water gargle is an excellent way to kill pathogens. My teenager will even do the Netti pot to avoid getting ill.
Vitamin C is important and Sambucol (Elderberry) is effective to help support the immune system. Try to get garlic in their system anyway possible as well: on toast with some mushed up avocado is tasty.
  If your child develops a ear infection with fluid it's still possible to heal it without antibiotics. I use a Chinese formula called China-West #06 CHILDRENS XANTHIUM Formula 
you can google that and buy some in advance on the internet it's about 13.50. I always have some on hand because no one ever has it in stock anywhere (well I found it once at Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy but I was lucky that time).  When you need it you can't wait a day or two for shipping. So this is the tricky part, but totally doable, it tastes disgusting -it's Chinese herbs. The good thing is that it's not ten days of disgusting like antibiotics -it's one day maybe two depending on how quickly you use the tincture. You are going to add boiling water to this little bottle and after it cools down the first dose will be warm the other ones won't because you have to refrigerate it once you make it. My kids don't have a choice they take it, they don't spit it out. I sit with them, I try to help them down it quickly, they hold their noses, they drink juice after, whatever it takes but they get it down. This works- it's the best remedy for ear infection with fluid along with the massage and saline solution. During this time please feed your child well: soups and plenty of fluids no milk products or sugar. The more you use your own natural healing skills to help boost your child's immune system the better their own body learns to deal and fight back. 
 If you are worried you child is not getting better (mind you it doesn't happen over night sometimes) or is getting worse, or develops a high fever do take them to the Dr. use you intuition about it. Absolutely use Motrin for pain relief if your child has ear pain and needs it. I rarely do but have needed it at times. 
The more we rely on antibiotics to heal us the less effective they become and the less effective the body becomes at taking care of itself. I believe the over use of antibiotics for childhood illnesses is what's actually crippling our own natural capacity for healing and being truly healthy.

Smart Medicine for Healthier Children - it's Genius

it gives you western traditional remedies, holistic/ natural, food and herb recommendations, homeopathic formulas and acupuncture points for all childhood ailments.

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